Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Improve your leadership skills

With the rapid changes due to globalization and the internet, it is critical more than ever for aspiring leaders to grow and learn. In Thomas L. Friedman's best selling book, The World is Flat the author outlines how everything in today's competitive marketplace is changing due to ten flatteners. With continuing advances in communication and technology, the world is changing faster than ever.

In a recent report, it was estimated a high school senior in the class of 2008 would be exposed to twice as much knowledge in his or her final year of secondary school as the same student's grandparents were exposed to in grades K-12 entirely. Moreover, according to the Global Language Monitor website, there are currently 989, 614 words in the English language. The Oxford English Dictionary adds about 10,000 words per year to its reference pages.

So how can today's leader improve his or her leadership skills to meet the challenges of globalization? Here are some of the strategies that have worked for me:

1. Read widely from good books on leadership, technology, organizational and management theory.
2. Seek out leadership opportunities and build relationships with successful leaders in your field.
3. Pursue advanced degrees from quality institutions of higher learning.
4. Help others develop their leadership skills.
5. Reflect on your experiences as a leader. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses.
6. Set goals.
7. Develop a purpose--a higher cause--for your work as a leader. Know your own personal mission and vision for your future.
8. Attend conferences and workshops related to leadership.

These are a few of the strategies I have used to grow as a leader. I would welcome your feedback for good ideas that have helped you learn the business of leadership.

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